1st Theatre Sustainment Command Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility (TEMF)

USACE Savannah District awarded Bristol this project to construct a Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility (TEMF) at Fort Bragg to support the operations of the 1st Theater Sustainment Command. Bristol constructed an 18,000-square-foot small TEMF, a 5,250-square-foot organizational storage building, a 420-square-foot oil storage building, a 420-square-foot hazardous waste storage building, and 128,115 square feet of tactical/organizational vehicle parking. The TEMF also contains information systems, fire protection and alarm systems, intrusion detection system (IDS) installation and energy monitoring control systems (EMCS) connection and antiterrorism measures.
The facility is a pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) with structural steel framing and a standing seam metal roof with metal wall panels. It has a concrete masonry unit (CMU) exterior with brick veneer/façade and is built on a concrete foundation. Interior walls are CMU to a height of 12 feet. The concrete slab on grade was sized and strengthened to accommodate vehicle maintenance type facilities. The facility, built for the maintenance, repair, and storage of heavy military tactical vehicles and equipment, has a 10-ton overhead bridge crane, full-service maintenance pit, high efficiency vehicle exhaust system, and welding hood. A fluid distribution room houses different types of fluid for vehicle upkeep.
Additionally, Bristol provided site development, removal and replacement of asphalt paving and footings, concrete curbs and ramps, security fencing and site lighting. Utilities include electric, water, sewer, storm water control, natural gas, and building information systems. Other work included parking and walkways, landscaping and signage, and air conditioning.
As part of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) certification process, the project included exterior panels to utilize natural light for interior operations and Green Building. Existing concrete and asphalt were demolished and segregated to be reclaimed / recycled for future use. Metal and cardboard were also segregated for recycling/reclamation. This project was just a few points away from meeting LEED® Gold criteria, far exceeding the points required for LEED® Silver.
1st Theatre Sustainment Command Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility (TEMF)
Client: USACE
Location: North Carolina
contract amount: $7,600,000
Award Date: June 2012
completed date: May 2013

- 18,000-square-foot TEMF
- 128,115 square feet of tactical vehicle parking
- Pre-Engineered Metal Building (PEMB)
- Designed and constructed to LEED® Silver
- Value Engineering
- Energy Monitoring Control System (EMCS)
- Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP)
- 18,000-square-foot TEMF
- 128,115 square feet of tactical vehicle parking
- Pre-Engineered Metal Building (PEMB)
- Designed and constructed to LEED® Silver
- Value Engineering
- Energy Monitoring Control System (EMCS)
- Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP)