Border Patrol Station

Bristol was contracted by USACE Seattle District to design and construct a 100-agent Border Patrol Station on a 10-acre site in Sumas, WA. The station includes a radio tower, roadways, parking lots, utilities and landscaping.
The building sits on a pile-supported foundation and is a combination of structural steel and structural masonry construction. The exterior skin is composed of insulated metal siding panels, aluminum windows and concrete masonry unit veneer. The roof panels are insulated metal, and the clear story above the office area provides abundant natural lighting.
Roughly 15,000 square feet of the Sumas Station is office space, which includes individual offices, conference rooms/classrooms, training/muster rooms, a break room, and an exercise room with shower and separate locker facilities for men and women. Also within this area are local area network (LAN) rooms, as well as cabling, mechanical, and electrical rooms. The remaining 5,000 square feet is a detention area, which includes a secured armory, control room, holding cells, interrogation rooms, evidence rooms, and a secured sally port to transfer detainees. The secured armory includes a wire mesh partition equipped with a cipher lock gate separating the clerk area from weapons storage. Site work included covered parking and walkways as well as landscaping without compromising AT/FP requirements
Border Patrol Station
Client: USACE
Location: Sumas, Washington
contract amount: $10,200,000
Award Date: March 2007
completed date: September 2008

- According to DHS, upon completion in 2008, the 20,000 square-foot facility was the largest Border Patrol Station on the northern border of the U.S.
- Designed and built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Standards
- Anti-terrorism and force protection along with security and access control
- According to DHS, upon completion in 2008, the 20,000 square-foot facility was the largest Border Patrol Station on the northern border of the U.S.
- Designed and built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Standards
- Anti-terrorism and force protection along with security and access control